Pyrenean Mountain Dogs
The photo shows Little wearing her Official Collector sticker, ready to
collect for the Cancer Society on Daffodil Day
Ch Nero
of Pyrendale
This page
could never be complete without mentioning Nero our
much loved friend who was laid to rest on July
1st 1999. Nero was almost 11 yrs of age, the sort
of dog whom one calls a *gentleman of the breed*.
Of all our dogs, he had the greatest rapport with
us and our family and was everyones' favourite.
His smile was an unforgettable ear splitting grin
and he had a very human sense of humour.
One could hold great, lengthy conversations
with him, conversing in various forms from heavy
breathing, sighs, grunts, whines, to woofs, or
sometimes just companionable silence. Nero was a
great Livestock Guardian Dog, self-trained,
always showing much concern if one of his sheep
seemed to be in trouble. He loved to wander
around the property and would spend hours sitting
near the gates or on a sunny bank, watching the
world go by. ( HE said he was guarding sheep but
WE knew he was fast asleep ! ) Nero, we were so
lucky to have enjoyed your company and friendship
for those years and will never forget you.