This Live Stock Guarding
Dogs - Herdenschutzhunde
site owned by Stella Hughes.
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Pyrs, Pyrs and more Pyrs
The Pyrenean Fanciers
Association, New Zealand
RACP. France
Great Pyrenees
Club of America
PMDC, Great Britain
Pyrbred Org, U.S.A.
Nth Florida GP Club
Pyrs of the Realm
Norwegian Club Site, with a report on Pyrs and Bears
Serrabonne Pyreneans, New Zealand
Du Pic du Midi, Germany
Join other Great Pyrenees fanciers on the PYR-L
mailing list!
Send an e-mail with no subject, and in the body of the
message type only SUBSCRIBE PYR-L followed by your real first and last name.
NZ Dog Sites Lost and Found Pets on the Net (recommended) Joan Goddard Homeopathy Akarana Clinic, Dr Chris Piper Holistic Animal Therapy NZ RSPCA New Zealand Kennel Club NZ Natural Dog email list NZ Dog Rescue email list Your Dog (recommended)
Women Against Cruelty (please vote) NZ Hearing Dogs NZ Dog Links (recommended)
General Dog
Rainbows Bridge
A - Z The Dog Breeds Alphabet
Australian Dogs and links
Dogs and more Dog links
Comprehensive Pet Site
Dog Breed Info Center
Australian Dog Site
Dogs of the World
Animal Rescue
Kids and Dogs (recommended site)
Dog and General Health Sites
Shirley's Wellness Cafe,(highly recommended)
Holistic Pet Care,(excellent site)
Canine Health Concern
Epilepsy Network site
The Pet Arthritis Resource Center
Comprehensive Health Links (inc OFFA)
Dogfood recipes and more links
Dr T. Lonsdale, diet info
The Danger of Microwave Ovens 
What's in commercial petfood anyway?
| More on Commerical Petfoods 
Soy and Phytoestrogens
Passport Panda, World Conservation

Kennels} |
History} |
Our Pyrs} |
Pups} |
Working} |
K9 Kitchen} |
Pantry} |
Hospital} |
Story} |
Links} |